Orthodox Pectoral Tsata Cross Church Crown’s Silver 925 Consecrated in Jerusalem
Orthodox silver cross with Tsata (crown – crescent) (Tsata Cross) “Church crown”.
The pectoral cross is made using traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 17th – 18th centuries. The four-pointed cross depicts an eight-pointed Orthodox cross with a tsata at the upper intersection of the beams.
The tradition of the Orthodox Church included richly decorating icons using silver and gold collars and crowns. Subsequently, their image, in the shape of a crescent, began to be used in the manufacture of crosses. Often the image of Tsata on the cross was replaced by a crucifix.
Each of the four ends of the cross is crowned, as a symbol of the royal crown and the kingdom of God.
The arcs connecting the beams of the cross form a circle, recalling the words of Christ: “I am the light of the world …” (Gospel of John 8:12)
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. ” (John 8:12)
Four balls located on the arcs symbolize the four Evangelists, who carry the light of Christian teaching on four cardinal points.
The twelve balls located on the outer borders of the cross designate the twelve apostles.
On the outside of the cross, on the upper part, the inscription CIRCLE OF THE WORD (King of Glory) is engraved.
To the right and to the left of the cross is written IC XC – Jesus Christ
At the bottom of the ML RB – Place Lobno Paradise Be.
On the back of the cross, on a horizontal beam, the beginning of the troparion (Troparion) is written to the Cross of the Lord in the Church Slavonic language: “SAVE YOUR PEOPLE YOURS ..
“O Lord Save Thy People”
The cross is consecrated in the Jerusalem Temple of the Ascension, on the Myrrh-streaming stone of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Width: 0.68″ (17.4mm)
Height: 1.27″ (32.4mm)
Weight: 0.058oz (1.65gr)
Material: Sterling Silver
Country of origin: Israel (Hand Made)